Critical Illness Cover

Most people don’t like to think about serious illness and even if they do, they’ll say they don’t need protection because, ‘It’ll never happen to me.’
Unfortunately, it does happen and while more people are surviving critical illnesses, they often need time off work to get back on their feet. Even a small amount of critical illness cover could buy you the time you need to recover properly, without having to use up your hard-earned savings.
Critical illness can be arranged on its own or added to a life assurance policy as an additional benefit. Children’s cover can also be included at a small additional cost. The policy would pay a lump sum on diagnosis and survival of a specified critical illness, which as the title suggests, is the really serious conditions or illnesses, typically cancer, heart attack, stroke, organ replacement, end stage kidney disease.
The lump sum can be used for any purpose you like, repaying your mortgage or debts, care costs, changes to your home or just the reassurance of having the money in the bank.
There are many different types of policies with varying levels of cover definitions and additional benefits, so please talk to me to get the right advice on cover for you.
Please note for these insurance products, terms
and conditions apply. This information is a summary only. You will receive a
full policy document upon application. This policy will set out the terms,
conditions and limitations of cover provided under the plan.