I care about making sure that my clients have the right protection in place for their income, mortgage, and family. Someone once said to me that having protection will give “the right money and the wrong time”, and I think this sums it up perfectly.
We all think that the worst won’t happen to us, but recent years have taught us that unexpected things do happen, and we should prepare for them to make sure that we don’t suffer financially or pass this financial worry onto our families.
A lot of clients I talk to do have some protection in place, but they are unsure what cover they are paying for, and if it meets their needs. Life changes, so it is important to regularly review your cover to make sure it is still right for you. Key events where you should take the time to reconsider your cover are;
– new home – does you existing policy protect your new mortgage?
– new job – does your new employer offer the same benefits? Do you know what your sick pay arrangements are?
– marriage – would you like to make sure that your spouse is financially secure should the worst happen to you?
– birth of a child – it is important to make sure that your financial dependants are looked after should you die, or become seriously ill.
I understand that there are many different types of policies available, with different features and finding the right cover for you may seem a little overwhelming. I will take the time to listen to what is important to you, consider any existing cover and your budget, and recommend the right policy and provider for you.
Having some cover in place is better than not having any cover at all.